Monday, September 15, 2008


I did not write this, whoever did, did so anonymously but....

The bomb bomb bomb Iran issue is so much more serious than people realize for starters.
Not so much because of the act of bombing them itself, but because it shows McCain's version of diplomacy.
Can you even imagine how we Americans would feel if the leader of a Super Power with Nukes started singing songs about bombing America?

Now he is already applying the same diplomacy towards Russia.
The propaganda machine has already been unleashed on Russia.
50% or more of Americans do not even know that Georgia attacked first.
One of McCain's top advisors was a Georgia lobbyist and Georgia has spent millions on gaining connections with our government.
Is it McCain that wants world war over Georgia or is it Georgia?

Georgia is not such a great place.
The Jehovah's Witnesses are beaten there.
I learned this independently through their organization. And they are an extremely reliable source. They do not participate in Governments, Politics, or Military.

Georgia has a pipeline that is crutial to Europe. Europe is part of the global oil market and whatever affects them also affects us.
Because of wanting to control this pipeline we are spinning mass wild propaganda about Russia.

Our Government thinks that by allowing this nation of Georgia into NATO, Russia will not make good on its promises to defend South Ossetia.
And those who want this to happen are hell bent on winning over popular opinion.

This is far too much to risk for a pipeline.
There is no way in hell that Russia will allow Georgia into NATO.
Georgia used to be part of the USSR. And directly borders Russia.
This idea of putting them in NATO is even more ridiculous to the Russians than if California decided to join Russia and Russia started putting ABM's in California.

For Russia this situation will unfold into their own Cuban missile crisis.
Russia knows it has the high moral ground on this one and they will expect us to back down.
But what happens when we do not back down?

Sarah Palin was talking about war with Russia the other day in a light that makes it to be no big deal.
Our people see wars like Iraq that really do not effect us very much and they think that is war.
Iraq was never a war.
If we do not lose at least 50,000 then it is not a war. Its just us going and dominating weaker forces.
In a real war with Russia, we'll lose most of our aircraft carriers in the first 48 hours.
In all likelyhood we would come to a point conventionally that we have Russia boxed in and with its surface navy destroyed.
And that is the LAST thing we want to do. Russia absolutely will use nuclear weapons vs military targets once defeat is on its horizon.
The same as we would.

The real threat from a war with Russia is not that we would lose.
Its that we would win too much and trigger a nuclear scenario.

Ok here's the deal,
There are multiple hot spots around the globe.
Due to the power of weaponry in modern times, the world has never been poised in such a dangerous position in all history than it is today.

If McCain did not make it clear by his words to you yet that he will be attacking Iran, the 911 film at the Republican Convention should have.
"It all started in 1979 inside Iran" - never saying that 911 is connected. But showing nothing but Iran and then 5 or more minutes of 911.

McCain has no intention of using diplomacy with Iran.
Telling Iran on International TV as though they can not hear you...
That your about to use the "Carrot and Stick" tactic, and then giving them some ultimatums... wtf kind of diplomacy is that?

We are about to have a war on 3 fronts at an absolute minimum.
This much is guaranteed beyond any possible doubt.

Not only do we have the sittuation with Georgia for Russia, but Russia also placed in their Military Doctrine that they will defend their allies.
I do not expect them to defend Iran. But boy do we love to push it.

The real question is whether or not Iran is able to get israel involved.
Once this happens i should not have to lay it out for you how multiple things can go wrong all around the globe.
Especially in Pakistan.
Pakistan could easilly erupt into a 4th front, or worse, it's government could fall and its nukes could fall into the hands of Al Qaeda.
Do you ever think about the fact that there are real Al Qaeda standing right now... not even 100 miles from those nuclear missiles. Trying to dream up a way to gain control.

Add to all of this the fact that any disturbance what so ever with oil is going to send gas through the roof. Anywhere from 5 dollars to 20 dollars and shortages.
We do not get our oil from Iran. But its a Global Market. Whoever Iran sells to will be bidding against us.

Many people think Iran is like Iraq. And its not at all. Yes it can be squashed like an annoying bug. But that annoying bug has mutiple ways to lash out. Including obliterating Saudi Arabia's Refineries.

Russia does have to be handled with strength.
And a line in the sand does have to be drawn when dealing with Russia.
These are facts we can agree on.
However, we are trying to draw the line right in front of their toes.
They view these ABM's as offensive and not defensive. And i agree to that principle. I explained this in a different post awhile back.
But it does not even matter if you agree or not. All that matters is that Russia perceives them as an attack on (MAD).
That and the fact that they serve no purpose defensively, as Russia still has 5,000 active Nuclear bombs and 11,000 more deactivated Nuclear Bombs, some of which can be reactivated.

If the ABM's serve no purpose and only antagonize the Russians, why have them there?
Why threaten to bring Georgia into NATO?
Georgia is a hot spot. An active military zone with the only force on earth that combined with ours can create the end of all life on Earth.
Why would we extend a sheild against a former peice of a Country when it is already engaged in a war with itself?
Is that not the same as jumping into the War itself?

Surely the goal is not to go to war with Russia.
Therefore this is a bluffing game.
Who the **** gave these people the right to make a bluff with the very existance of our species?

McCain is not the only person with the wrong answers on Russia.
Obama has the wrong answers too.
But after seeing Obama's stances and decisions such as the initial Iraq Invasion, I have faith in him to make the right decisions when the time comes.
Obama has spoken negatively about the ABM's in the past.
I am hoping that he will get things going in the right direction by re-entering an agreement with Russia on Nuclear Arms and ABM reductions.

The only way Russia should be handled at this time is to have lots of meetings, lots of patience, and start working on nuclear material and nuclear arms reduction again.

The largest threat outside of politics are over 10,000 poorly secured Russian warheads and nuclear marterial.

To get back on topic though, we Americans have lived under the threat of total obliteration for too long.
We do not respect it anymore.
And we are starting to become careless.

McCain has made it clear that he sees the Military as the answer for Foreign Relations.
He's started to become dishonest within the election, but when it comes to being President, i think the man would be honest and serve with honor and believe with all his heart that he is doing the right thing.
But he has an intense temper. He is a very angry man. You can see the pain in his eyes when he forces a smile.

I do not disagree with his goal for Iran.
But true diplomacy has never once been tried with them. Not in 50 years.
The Hostage Crisis that the Republican Convention said was where 911 started...
Did you even ask yourself "why" they took our guys hostage like that?
If you think you know, i'd like you to tell me why.
Because that is not where it started by a long shot.
We abused the hell out of that country and were trying to control it.

There is a difference between a man that will not even talk with them but is happy to sing songs about bombing them vs a man that will generate diplomacy and discussion giving hope to both sides.
Diplomacy is not giving ultimatums.
All this talk about them earning the right to meet our President is bs.
What if they feel the same way about their President?
That is nothing more than 1st grader games.

You like the economy now? How do you think it will be like under McCain once we attack Iran?

Where is this thing with Russia headed?
It is completely ridiculous to think they will do nothing at all while we try to recruit their border Nations and build a missile sheild around them.
Especially when Georgians want to kill the South Ossetians that are loyal to Russia.
Come on... that is like the Cuban Crisis x 100.

These wars must also be paid for. So while gas continues to sky rocket, we will also have to find a way to fund the war.
Which means borrowing more money.
Do not forget that both Candidates have pledged to take this to Pakistan.
(And i do not disagree on that one, but the timing is not right at this moment)

This is why in addition to a likely nuclear exchange, i say misery and famine.

I am starting to think we played directly into OBL's plan for us.
One ****ing man in a cave has managed to bring our future to its knees, 7 years after planting a seed of destruction within our minds.

There is also the alliance between Venezuala, Cuba, North Korea, Iran and Russia to consider.
It is unlikely that all would move against us. But it is equally as unlikely that this odd alliance will produce nothing at all.

Our country has also become weak on the inside. I learned this from hurricanes and seing just how rapidly things fall apart without power and gas.
Entire city food supplies run enpty literally within 48 hours of slowing deliveries.
A depression will be much more difficult on us if it did occur. It is likely that it would completely destroy us. Talk to some old people that were around during that time. Their numbers are dwindling. They lived on dirt floors and grew the only food they ate. They killed their own chickens. They washed their cloths by hand. They were a tough breed. A very very tough breed.
A great depression now days is just as deadly for our Nation as a giant asteroid.
It would be Katrina in every nook and cranny.
And then much much worse.

There is no reason to rush into this **** head first.
Our Country just does not have the stamina to handle a massive war combined with a massive depression.

Bluffing will work. But not when we are pushing this hard.
And get one thing straight, we are too over extended to even handle Russia in a conventional war.
So when Sarah Palin aswered that yes we would go to war with Russia, the only thing she could have possibly meant is a nuclear war.
We already know what McCain would do. To have a chance to fight his greatest enemy would be an honor. McCain would never wuss out of a NATO defense agreement. He'd defend Georgia with whatever we had, and if nuclear weapons are required he'd use them.
Just imagine the idea of John McCain going down in history as the man who would not defend the very Nato country that he himself recruited?
No way would John McCain allow that. He'd defend Georgia down to our last nuke.

Where will we get the military from that can fight Russia while fighting on 3 to 5 other fronts vs 5 or 6 different nations?
There is none. Just Nuclear Weapons or using all of NATO which would lead to nuclear Weapons on the part of Russia.

The only thing you can possibly say is that you do not believe Russia will do anything about the ABM's or Georgia.
Because if you admit that they will do something, you validate everything in this post.
They have said they will do something. (verbally)
And they have even said they will do something in their Defense Doctrine (written)
They have the high moral ground because South Ossetia wants to be free and this is all their former territory and the ABM's are an assault on (MAD).

That is one hell of a gamble to be taking with Russia over a pipeline that is not even ours.
While also having all of these other challenges.

More significant to me, but less significant to you, is that i had a terrible vision about McCain as i learned about him around 1998 or 1999.
I still feel that we got off lucky by electing Bush over McCain.

A man that sees war as the answer, envisions America as a Unilateral Global Empire, has an intense Temper, hates Russia with intense Passion, has spent as a POW and tortured by the enemy, and rejects any notion of true diplomacy... is a very dangerous man to be in office at a time like this.

This is not a sci fi moive. We do not get a do over.
Very delicate care is required to get our species through the next 100 years.
And the odds are severely against us.

All it takes is for the wrong person to gain power for just one 4 year term to cause a nuclear war.
At this time, the stage for one is already set.
Both Leaders have made statements to the point that if one does not back down, they have already agreed to Nuclear War.
This is not the time for a man of war.
It is the time for a man of peace."

Talk about scary

I want to think Mr.McCain is reasonable, i really do, but...

If i vote for Mr.Obama, that is the reason.

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